Medical Hypnosis
An adjunct to medical care available online
or through in-person consults in the NYC metro area.
How medical hypnosis can support your healing in NJ
Hypnosis can complement a physician’s medical treatment and is never meant to replace it. Hypnosis can help by delivering positive images, thoughts and ideas throughout the body, which can help medical conditions.
By visualizing your healing, and feeling your treatment working and your mind supporting and believing that YOU CAN HEAL, you create a powerful process to heal the mind, body and spirit.
As a certified clinical hypnosis practitioner, Mary Battaglia, founder of Metro Hypnosis Center, is trained to use hypnosis as an adjunct to your medical care. Mary works with doctors and medical facilities whose patients have upcoming surgery or cancer treatments, and who experience anxiety and pain. Hypnosis is never a replacement or alternate for doctors’ orders or care. It is a natural complement to medical care and helps people obtain optimal results under a physician’s care.

Medical Hypnosis can help with:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Blood pressure
Autoimmune diseases
Poor sleep / Insomnia
Anxiety around a diagnosis
How can hypnosis help me before surgery?
Pre-surgery hypnosis can help people decrease anxiety prior to surgery, visualize a positive outcome, decrease side affects and heal quicker.
In 2007 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that patients who were briefly hypnotized prior to breast cancer surgery had less pain, nausea and fatigue after the procedure.
Hypnosis also saved the health care system $772.71 per patient due to reduced surgical time. There are many studies for hypnosis that show how people can heal quicker and need less pain medicine if they practice hypnosis prior to surgery.
If someone told you there was a way to be calm, relaxed prior to surgery and that you may heal quicker, would you try it? You can easily experience this through hypnosis.
It usually takes 3 hypnosis sessions for a client to prepare for surgery. A custom CD is created so you can listen to it at home and even during surgery. Pre-surgery hypnosis can help people decrease anxiety prior to surgery, visualize a positive outcome, decrease side affects and heal quicker.
Can hypnosis help decrease my pain?
Hypnosis works to decrease the fear and tension associated with the pain cycle.
Pain can prevent you from enjoying life and doing the things you want. When a part of the body experiences pain it sends a message through the nervous system which then sends a signal to the brain. In most pain cases there is a fear, tension, and pain cycle. By utilizing hypnosis we work to decrease the fear or tension part of the cycle so pain will diminish.
As a certified clinical hypnosis practitioner, Mary uses different techniques depending on the type of pain and the client’s goal.
Hypnosis pain control techniques are to be used in conjunction with the client’s medical treatment.
Contact Metro Hypnosis Center to experience medical hypnosis today
Metro Hypnosis Center is conveniently located in Oradell New Jersey in the heart of Bergen County. Please contact Mary or call the office at 201-477-0265 to schedule a hypnosis session so you can feel your best.
Offering virtual hypnosis sessions as well.