Clinical Hypnosis Services
Self-hypnosis & guided meditation for positive transformation
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Hypnotherapy is life changing.
Hypnosis is truly a unique experience for people. It is a trance-like state, similar to a meditative or day dream state. What is important is for you to know there is always an awareness and that you are in control just like a daydream. You are focused on what we are working on. By letting go of thoughts you go into the subconscious where your memories and imagination are.
I never know where life will take me but I am prepared with the right tools to direct my course and bring a supportive mindset with me. That is what I help people with. Each and every one of us has a choice about how we react to life and how we allow it to take hold of us. Being aware of this and seeing how I can change my mindset during challenging situations through my self-hypnosis tools creates a better life for me. That is what I teach my clients.
Certified hypnosis practitioner Mary Battaglia explains what happens during a typical hypnosis session.
Hypnotherapy works with your belief systems.
There is a deeper state that you go into during hypnosis called the superconscious mind. This is where healing, love, forgiveness, spiritual growth, and connections to the Universe and passed loved ones can happen.
It is the superconscious mind that allows you to connect to your abilities, your gifts, and sometimes see the world differently. This connection allows you to shift and change within and create an unlimited life of peace and calm. Hypnosis works with your belief system so your connection will be part of that. Many people do not want to leave these deep and peaceful states because if feels so good.
Self-hypnosis for peace within
Hypnotherapy changed my whole life. Not just because I created a career but because the tools and the mindfulness help me to this day.
In my training I started seeing a light in self-hypnosis which I still see during my work and in my own meditations, and which still gives me peace and support. It allows me to connect to guidance. There will always be curve balls in life but it is in how we handle it that can make a difference. By using self-hypnosis on a regular basis it helps keep more calm and peace within.
Self-Hypnosis is a self-care practice for calm
Self-hypnosis is great self care tool to use every day.
I never knew how much I would use the tools until I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia in 2021. I immediately created my own hypnosis healing script and listened to it daily and brought in healing visualizations. It empowered me when I had to take oral chemotherapy and deal with side affects as well as keep my spirits up with fatigue.
I created the Just Be self-hypnosis and guided meditation program to help people learn to clear the mind through self-hypnosis and live with calm and peace.
Stress and anxiety has taken hold of many people and robbed them of joy and happiness. We are living in a new world, but by starting your day with 5 minutes of hypo-meditation you start to feel more calm.
Just-Be is a 21 day program that goes from a 5-minute hypo-meditation to 30 minutes over 21 days.

“We all need to love ourselves, and feel calm and peaceful so more things roll off of us instead of coming in and staying with us. Energy of others can enter us making us feel sad, down or anxious so it is important to learn the tools of protection and self-hypnosis to clear it.”
— Mary Battaglia
Frequently asked questions about self-hypnosis and hypnotherapy
What are the benefits of hypnosis?
Hypnosis can benefit many people. It is a holistic approach to feeling good and working through problems. The role of a certified clinical hypnosis practitioner at Metro Hypnosis Center is to guide people through hypnosis and find out what in the subconscious is blocking them to be healthy, or preventing them from living the life they want. Many people are aware that hypnosis helps people stop smoking and lose weight, but don’t realize that it can help with so much more.
Custom Hypnosis Scripts
Mary explains her process for custom hypnosis scripts.
I offer custom hypnosis scripts for individuals, integrative oncologists, health coaches, and clinics to support their work with patients and clients. One of my specialties is hypnosis scripts for cancer patients.
Coaches, clinics, and medical professionals: Please contact me so we can talk about what you need and how I can help.
Individuals: please contact me to schedule a 2-hour script writing session. In the session we create the script together to promote your healing. I read it to you in the zoom session and you receive the audio via email to listen to daily, receiving the benefits of hypnosis, relaxation, and healing.