Frequently Asked Questions about Hypnosis
Call Metro Hypnosis Center in Oradell NJ to schedule a free online consultation today.
Have you ever wondered if life can be better or know that you are blocking yourself from your true potential? Do you wonder why some people are more successful than others? Call Metro Hypnosis Center located in Bergen County New Jersey and discover the wonderful, natural and holistic complement to medical treatment that hypnosis is. Call Metro Hypnosis Center at 201-477-0265 or contact us via the website to schedule a free consultation today!
What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a state of relaxation that allows you to go deep within yourself to the subconscious mind. It is a natural altered state that many of us experience regularly through daydreaming, deep concentration, prayer, or meditation. A hypnotherapist induces hypnosis, which enables people to relax and go into the subconscious mind.
It is the subconscious mind that holds all the memories, emotions, ideas, creativity, and stores our beliefs. In hypnotherapy we go into the subconscious mind to find out why we have beliefs like “I am not worthy, no one loves me, I can’t do something”. The subconscious mind is where you can find out why someone has a limiting belief, negative outlook, habits, fears, phobias or health issue (as a complement to existing medical treatment) and address it through hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapist Mary Battaglia with Metro Hypnosis Center guides clients into hypnosis and into the subconscious mind, working with the issue in order to help clients heal from the inside out.
What are the benefits of hypnosis?
Hypnosis can benefit many people. It is a holistic approach to feeling good and working through problems. The role of a certified clinical hypnosis practitioner at Metro Hypnosis Center is to guide people through hypnosis and find out what in the subconscious is blocking them to be healthy, or preventing them from living the life they want. Many people are aware that hypnosis helps people stop smoking and lose weight, but don’t realize that it can help with so much more. Read more about the benefits of hypnosis
How do I know if I am hypnotized?
People are often surprised after a first hypnotherapy session that they were aware of everything going on and in total control during hypnosis. At Metro Hypnosis Center we explain what hypnosis is prior to starting a session or reviewing goals. During hypnosis we do tests to check for responsiveness during hypnosis. There are also signs of being in hypnosis that clients can experience first hand like a gurgling stomach or eyes tearing up. At a first session we typically induce hypnosis 2-3 times in order to make sure the client is comfortable with the process before we do any work.
How many hypnosis sessions will I need?
Hypnosis on average takes 3-6 sessions lasting one to two hours each. Additional sessions are sometimes needed. Individual or package prices are offered to clients. Everyone is taught self-hypnosis by the 2nd session so people can continue the benefits of hypnosis throughout their lives. Contact hypnotherapist Mary to learn more and to book your hypnosis session.
How can hypnosis help me?
Hypnosis can be extremely beneficial and helpful to many people. One of the greatest aspects of hypnosis is the deep state of relaxation. Since many people have busy lives, taking time for hypnosis or self-hypnosis helps relieve stress and anxiousness naturally. When our body relaxes our immune and digestive systems work well and higher mind problem skills increase.
Hypnosis can help with weight loss, smoking, menopause, poor sleep, pain, high blood pressure, phobias, traumas, stress, anxiousness, confidence, success, and relationships and clear blocks that prevent you from moving forward in life.