Metro Hypnosis Center’s Breast Cancer Awareness Challenge

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. It is a great reminder to get our annual checkup and mammogram to prevent or detect breast cancer in an early stage.

Breast Cancer Awareness is very important to me because my sister passed away from breast cancer 2 years ago. Her birthday is this month and she would have been 51 years old. So I would like to try and make a difference so that other people don’t lose a sister, mother, grandmother, cousin, aunt, niece, or friend to breast cancer.

Ask one friend

My breast cancer prevention challenge is very simple. All I request is that women and men ask at least one female friend or family member over the age of 40 when the last time they had a mammogram. If it has been over a year then encourage them to make an appointment for a mammogram.  Go with them or make the appointment if you have to. If each of us asks and reminds one female friend imagine how many people can detect breast cancer at an early stage and live a long life.

Breast cancer prevention

My first friend I ask is Carolyn. She is a busy Mom who takes care of everyone else first just like many other Mother’s do. Who are you going to ask? Don’t let “I don’t have time” be an excuse. We should always have time for prevention and living a healthy life.  And if someone does not want to do a mammogram then think of thermography, which is an important imaging tool that can detect diseases.

Please support the National Breast Cancer Foundation awareness of breast cancer. Check in with a friend and ask her when she had her last mammogram.  Because I see it I know we can all help each other in the fight against breast cancer. Let’s make it happen and make a difference together!

If you or a loved one has received a cancer diagnosis, please contact me for a medical hypnosis session geared toward a cancer journey.


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