3 Ways to Quit Smoking
Three tips to quit smoking and reduce your chances of developing lung cancer
November is lung cancer awareness month. According to the Mayo Clinic lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Most people who smoke are at the greatest risk of developing lung cancer.
Quitting cigarettes can reduce your chances of developing lung cancer. For some people it is challenging to quit smoking. There is an emotional connection to the cigarette. Many people see cigarettes as an old friend since it has been there through life’s ups and downs. Cigarettes are a stress reliever for many people. Smoking is a habit and an addiction to nicotine. Even though there are challenges people can quit smoking.
A few people can quit cold turkey but that does not work for everyone. Here are some tips to help you quit smoking.
Tip one
Every day reduce the number of cigarettes that you smoke until you get to the last one. When you get to the last one that is the day you become a nonsmoker.
Tip two
Pause when you want a cigarette. Instead of smoking take a deep breath of clean fresh air into your lungs to feel calm. Then distract yourself so the moment passes and you continue to be a nonsmoker for good.
Tip three
Create a new habit. Instead of having a cigarette reach for a bottle of water which creates a positive hand to mouth motion. As you drink the water feel how cool, crisp and cleansing it is Visualize the water cleansing the lungs so you keep them healthy by staying a nonsmoker for good.
Quit smoking for you
Always quit smoking for you and not for others. A good time to quit smoking is when you are on a vacation because of reduced stress and your environment change. Start saying affirmations like “I can quit smoking for good.” Let the motivation of good health and saving all that money on cigarettes help you stay strong to quit smoking for good.
Book a hypnosis session for help if you are ready to quit smoking for good.